Wed, 29 April 2020
Reminder that the SciFi Diner Podcast is now take out only. We share what is going on in our SciFi World, share some late breaking Shoreleave 42 news, share some Time Travel shows to pass quarantine time and to remind us what life was like before quarantine, and finally, we discuss how the pandemic will impact future ,movie releases.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_384_-_How_Covid_19_Will_Change_Movie_Theaters.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST
Thu, 16 April 2020
![]() New York Times bestselling author John Jackson Miller has spent a lifetime immersed in the worlds of fantasy and science fiction. He's best known for his Star Wars and Star Trek work, including Star Wars: Kenobi, his Scribe Award winning novel from Del Rey; Star Wars: A New Dawn; the Star Trek: Prey trilogy, and Star Trek: Discovery - The Enterprise War. He's also written comics included the long-running Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comics series, as well as comics for Battlestar Galactica, Halo, Lion King, Mass Effect, Iron Man, Indiana Jones, and The Simpsons. Production notes on all his works can be found at his fiction site ( Miller is also a noted comics industry historian, specializing in studying comic-book circulation as presented on his website, Comichron ( He also coauthored the Standard Catalog of Comic Books series.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Pilots_383_-_Star_Trek_orifinal_Series_The_Cage_-_With_Special_Guest_John_Jackson_Miller_Author_of_the_Star_Trek_Discovery_Novel_Enterprise_War_and_Die_Standing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:29am EST
Thu, 2 April 2020
![]() John was born in New York and currently resides near Baltimore, Maryland. He first encountered Robert Heinlein’s work as one of the cool books with the “atom” sticker on the spine in the library’s fiction section. After college, he read the uncut Stranger in a Strange Land for the first time and was prompted to go ‘online’ to the new Prodigy network to see if anyone else wanted to discuss Heinlein. He found a simple subject line entitled “Heinlein Forum” and posted a reply. Over twenty years later, the discussion of Heinlein’s work is still a pretty good way to meet interesting people online and in-person. John works for the federal government as a mid-level IT management professional. He has served on the board of his local community association and is still its webmaster. He spent eight years on the national board of his fraternity, Alpha Sigma Phi, and serves as his chapter’s Alumni Association Secretary. He is married with two sons. He enjoys reading and collecting comics when not engaged in volunteer work. John is a charter and Lifetime member of the Heinlein Society and has volunteered at blood drives and local conventional panels. He was also pleased to attend and help out in a small way with the Heinlein Centennial effort, including a panel presentation about Heinlein Fandom Online that was unfortunately scheduled opposite a Spider Robinson talk. He was an early Membership Services chair of the Society where he was pleased to become acquainted with Mrs. Virginia Heinlein. He was appointed to serve out a term in 2012 as a director and Treasurer of the Society and elected to a three year term beginning in 2014. He was re-elected in 2017. John was chosen by the Board of Directors as the sixth President and Chairman of the Board in 2019.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_382_-_The_Picard_Finale_and_Our_Interview_with_John_Tilden_President_of_the_Heinlein_Society.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:35am EST