Welcome to the SciFi Diner where we serve up spicy conversations off the latest menu of SciFi Movies & Television Shows. For almost ten For almost fourteen years Scott Hertzog and Mile Mclaughlin began podcasting their love of all things sci-fi on the Sci-Fi Diner Podcast, informing their listeners on the latest sci-fi news and keeping the conversation going with them as they continue to celebrate this thing we call Science Fiction. Now they are joined by Dave, Chrissie, and M.

SciFi Diner Conversations 95 - Doctor Who Wins, Stop Disney Origin Stories, G.I. Joe Retaliation is better than Ender's Game, and More.


SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 189 - Our Interview with Greg Evigan (TekWar, BJ and the Bear, and The Six Million Dollar Man )


SciFi Diner Conversations 94 - Listener's Review Loki: The Dark World, The Art VS The Artist, Peter Pan Begins, and More.


SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 188 - Our Interview with Neil Grayston  (Eureka, Warehouse 13, Supernatural)

Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._188.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 13 - Our Interview with Sam Witwer (Being Human, Battlestar Galactica, Smallville, Clone Wars, The Force Unleashed)

Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Classic_Ep._13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24am EST

SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 12 -Our Interview with Miracle Laurie (November from Dollhouse)


SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 10 - Our Interview with Richard Hatch (Original and Reimagined Battlestar Galactica)

Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Classic_Ep._10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:53am EST

SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 7 - Our Interview with Robert Picardo from Voyager and Stargate


SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 4 - Our Interview with Michael Struck from Neo FX (Star Trek Continues and Starship Farragut)

Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Classic_Ep._4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:52am EST

SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 2 - Our Interview With Miracle Laurie from Dollhouse


SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 1 – Our Interview With John Broughton from Starship Farragut - See more at: http://scifidinerpodcast.com/2011/08/scifi-diner-classic-ep-1-our-interview-with-john-broughton-from-starship-farragut/#sthash.yxHvyXtQ.dpuf


SciFi Diner Classic Ep. 11 – Our Interview with Clifton Collins (from Star Trek XI)

Direct download: sfrw11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58am EST