Welcome to the SciFi Diner where we serve up spicy conversations off the latest menu of SciFi Movies & Television Shows. For almost ten For almost fourteen years Scott Hertzog and Mile Mclaughlin began podcasting their love of all things sci-fi on the Sci-Fi Diner Podcast, informing their listeners on the latest sci-fi news and keeping the conversation going with them as they continue to celebrate this thing we call Science Fiction. Now they are joined by Dave, Chrissie, and M.

SciFi Diner Podcast 263: A Shore Leave 37 Interview - David Nykl (Arrow, Stargate Atlantis, and Fringe)


The Dune Saga Podcast: Listener Feedback #17

Direct download: The_Dune_Saga_Podcast__Listener_Feedback_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30am EST

The Dune Saga Podcast #19_ Sandworms of Dune

Direct download: The_Dune_Saga_Podcast_19__Sandworms_of_Dune.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EST