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A fan run media event celebrating all things Pacific Rim, Pop-Culture, SciFi, Fantasy, Film, and so much more! With a convention aiming to bring you an overload of high quality, specifically tailored goodness you can bet that Shatterdome Con put itself in the fans' seat when seeking out these special guests. Shatterdome Con is excited to offer some of the best in the industry from Actors, Film Makers, Effects Artists, Authors, Screenwriters, Comic Artists, Designers, Costumers, Innovators and so much more... There's a reason Shatterdome Con's tagline asks: Can you handle the neural load? Come join in the guest talks and panels, Q&A Sessions, Special Presentations, Workshops, Autographs, Photo Sessions, and meet your favorite guests. |

Category:general -- posted at: 6:27am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 229 - We Interview Richard Dean Anderson (Jack O'Niell from Stargate SG1 and Angus MacGyver from MacGyver)
Please call the listener line at 1(260) 577-2428, Email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com or visit us on Twitter @scifidiner. Facebook Fan Page.
And check out our YouTube channel.
We are apart of the Chronic Rift Network of podcasts.
Tonight’s Diners: Scott, Miles, and M
The SciFi Diner Podcast
A 2012 Parsec Finalist
Richard Dean Anderson

Category:general -- posted at: 5:59am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 228 – Star Wars Rebels premieres, Knight Rider is Back, and Shatner in the Next Star Trek Movie.
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More photos from the set of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice seem to indicate that humanity is not happy at all with the man from Krypton. Comic Book Movie has posted a new batch of images -- taken by a Detroit resident named Tim Reinman, who also snapped some photos of what could be Wayne Manor in the movie -- showing what appears to be a demonstration held against Superman (Henry Cavill). Signs bearing slogans like "Super Death" and "Thanks for the 'help'" (the latter with flames underneath it) seem to indicate that there is a lot of ill will toward Kal-El for the carnage caused by his titanic battle with the minions of Zod in Man of Steel. Apparently some extras have been spotted wearing "Superman Survivor" shirts as well. They're even burning a Superman dummy in effigy! Movie News: Justin Bieber lends his voice as Knight Rider talking car KITT in new comedy flick with David Hasselhoff He called me and asked me for a favor and I called him back and said, "Can you do me a favour?" and he said, "Yes,"' David told Yahoo. 'I did his favor first because I love the Bieb. I think he’s a cool kid and he gets a bad rap. He’s a good guy and I like his music, I’ve known him for five years.' Killing Hasselhoff is being directed by Darren (Diary Of A Mad Black Woman) Grant and follows a guy who tries to win a celebrity death pool by hiring a hit man to kill David Hasselhoff. Besides Hasselhoff himself, Jim Jeffries and Jon Lovitz are attached to star. Justin was spotted taking a joyride with the Hoff in the iconic Pontiac Trans Am in Venice Beach, California on Tuesday. Bieber impressed co-star Ken Jeong, who chimed in: 'Justin couldn’t have been more kind or accommodating. He was just so generous with his time, and nailed the scene.' The Baby singer wore a black T-shirt as David was seen channeling his former character Michael Knight wearing a leather jacket and aviator sunglasses. The pair smiled and laughed as they worked. David also sported his trademark tan and dark hair hardly changed from his days as Michael Knight in the hit '80s show. Justin, who was born in 1994, wasn't even alive when the show first aired in 1982, but has no doubt caught repeats of the popular hit. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2770129/Justin-Bieber-lends-voice-Knight-Rider-talking-car-KITT-new-comedy-flick-David-Hasselhoff.html#ixzz3EqDhjCxf Trek News: Shatner: JJ Abrams Called About Possible Star Trek 2016 Role – Would Be Delighted To Do It Today at Nashville Comic Con, William Shatner revealed that he has spoken to JJ Abrams [who is producing the next Star Trek movie] about how there "might" be "an idea" for him to play a part. We have full transcript of Shatner’s comments and video below. Shatner: JJ Called me about Star Trek 2016 – There ‘might’ be a part Today at his panel at Nashville Wizard World Comic Con, William Shatner talked about the recent rumor about a role for him in the 2016 Star Trek movie. It started when he was asked a question which wasn’t actually directly related to the rumor, but only if he had any interest in reprising the role of Kirk. Here is Shatner’s full answer: Shatner Asked To ‘Keep Quiet’ About Star Trek 2016+ Orci Says Role Must Be ‘Worthy Over the weekend William Shatner confirmed he had been contacted by JJ Abrams about how there "might" be a role for him in the 2016 Star Trek movie. Today Shatner has revealed that he has been contacted again and told to stop talking about Star Trek. Details on that below, plus how the media is covering Bill’s weekend revelation, and there are some new comments from Orci here at TrekMovie and Bill and Orci are also tweeting to each other. Here’s my dilemma, I was cautioned not to speak about this and the next day it was out all over Twitter. ‘So I talked about it and then I get another phone call telling me to keep quiet again! All I can say is that I’m very excited about the film." Orci: Role must ‘be worthy’ The director of the upcoming Star Trek movie Roberto Orci has again engaged fans here at TrekMovie.com and has dropped a couple of interesting comments about Bill over the last day. First was this exchange… Ralph Pinheiro – September 28, 2014 If it is true, I hope it was a very good idea and as Shatner said: “If it is meaningful”. I don´t want Bill or Nimoy coming back just with a good idea for sweep. While the intention is good, It could potentially wreck everything. —————————————————————————– boborci – September 28, 2014 [@Ralph Pinheiro]. exactly. I would never waste my hero’s time. Must be worthy of them if you’re gonna go for it. SCI FI 5 @ 5 Great Dr. Who Quotes 1. “Through crimson stars and silent stars and tumbling nebulas like oceans set on fire; through empires of glass and civilizations of pure thought, and a whole, terrible, wonderful universe of impossibilities. You see these eyes? They’re old eyes. And one thing I can tell you, Alex… Monsters are real.” – The Doctor (Smith) 2. “It’s like when you’re a kid. The first time they tell you that the world’s turning and you just can’t quite believe it ’cause everything looks like it’s standing still… I can feel it: the turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at 1,000 miles an hour and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour, and I can feel it. We’re falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go… That’s who I am.” – The Doctor ( Eccleson) 3. When you wake up… I’ll be a story in your head. But that’s okay. We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh? Because it was. It was the best.” – The Doctor (Smith) 4. People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. (Tenant) 5. Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know: Back to the Future. It’s like Back to the Future. (Tenant)
Category:general -- posted at: 8:18am EST
SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 227 – Conversations with Jen from New York
Please call the listener line at 1(260) 577-2428, Email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com or visit us on Twitter @scifidiner. Facebook Fan Page.
And check out our YouTube channel.
We are apart of the Chronic Rift Network of podcasts.
Tonight’s Diners: Scott and Miles
The SciFi Diner Podcast
A 2012 Parsec Finalist
Much of the conversation in tonight's show revolves around Jen from New York's e-mails and voicemails. In this episode we discuss the following: Doctor Who, Falling Skies, Dominion, Under the Dome, Big Bang Theory, Gotham, Once Upon a Time, Defiance, New York Comicon, Sleepy Hollow, Marvel: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and More.
Category:general -- posted at: 8:43am EST