Tue, 31 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 14 – Heroes Finale, Caprica DVD, Dr. Horrible Sequel, and Star Trek
Mon, 30 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 13 – Wolverine, Fringe, Star Trek News; Terminator_:Sarah Connor Chronicles
Fri, 27 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 12 – Star Wars Fan Films; SciFi TV and Movie News; Star Wars Trivia!
Tue, 24 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 11 – The Current State of SciFi; News in the World of SciFi
Fri, 20 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 10 – The So say we all! Battlestar Finale, Is Lost Really Lost? Trivia!
Tue, 17 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 9 – SyFy? Really? More Star Wars Live Action News; Shore-Leave 31 is Coming.
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 9 – SyFy? Really? More Star Wars Live Action News; Shore-Leave 31 is Coming.
Mon, 16 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.
Direct download: Scifi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._8_-_R.I.P._Battlestar_Galactica_News_on_the_Star_Wars_Live_Action_TV_Show_and_more..mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST
Fri, 13 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.
Direct download: Scifi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._8__R.I.P._Battlestar_Galactica_News_on_the_Star_Wars_Live_Action_TV..mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Mon, 9 March 2009
A bunch of us (Mile, Matt, Kris, and Scott) went to see the Watchmen opening night. This episode chronicles our thoughts and feelings about this movie, seemingly contrary to what other people have to say about it. We also talk about the Star Trek and Terminator: Salvation trailer that aired before hand. Oh, by the way, because of the subject matter in the Watchmen, this episode is mature and we just want you to be aware of that. See you next Wednesday!
Fri, 6 March 2009
Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 6 - A Basket of Fries and Cough Medicine Help Discuss Terminator, Heroes, Smallville, and More.
In this episode, Don, armed with cough medicine and a handkerchief, along with Scott, bring you the latest Sci-fi news. The conversation includes news on Jonah Hex, Fathom, Nick Fury, Star Trek, Sarah Connor Chronicles, and V. They also discuss some of their favorite shows like Dollhouse, Heroes, Smallville, and Kyle XY. Inlcuded in the show are looks at the Watchmen, Harry Potter, and Transformers 2.
Mon, 2 March 2009
In this episode Scott along with the Spirit Matt discuss the Watchmen and their pre-movie anticipations and apprehensions. They also chat about Battlestar Galactica. In Sci-fi news, they look at Stargate Universe, Futurama, Smallville, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Eureka, Supernatural and more.