Sat, 31 July 2010
Tonight we sit down and interview Dominic Keating from Star Trek Enterprise and Heroes. We have some more Star Trek Trivia (I blame Miles). In news we chat about a potential Battlestar Galactica Web Series, Ron D. Moore comes clean on what really happened to Starbuck (You'll hear what Katie Sackoff thinks of her demise as well), A trailer is out for Felicia Day's Red, just who is playing Chuck's momma?, You thought Children of Earth was dark? Wait till you see Torchwood season 4, Karl Urban on the Judge Dredd Remake, the Death Star is one ship to rule them all and the Dark Lord of the Sith has fallen on hard times and taken up bank robbery. Some Star Trek news in This Week in Star Trek and Miles brings you his top five strong female characters in the the SciFi Five in Five.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._70_-_Our_Interview_with_Dominic_Keating_from_Enterprise_and_Heroes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Sun, 25 July 2010
On our menu tonight, we interview Christof Laputka from the Leviathan Chronicles. We also discuss the future of Dollhouse and what is going on with Warehouse 13. We also discuss the rumors about CN9. Miles discusses Star Trek 12 and the real Enterprise. Christof Laputka gives us his top five soundtracks in the SciFi Five in Five.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._69_-_Our_Interview_with_Christof_Laputka_from_the_Leviathan_Chronicles.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Thu, 15 July 2010
Tonight we bring you our interview with actress Chase Masterson (from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Yesterday was a Lie.) There is Star Trek Trivia on the docket for tonight and with a chance to win a DVD of the Starship Farragut Animated Episodes. We talk through a list we found on the ten most disappointing female characters in Science Fiction. Miles talks about Star Trek Tech becoming a reality in his This Week In Star Trek segment. We wrap up the show with our top five Shore Leave 32 moments in the SciFi Five in Five.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._68_-_Our_Interview_with_Chase_Masterson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST
Thu, 8 July 2010
![]() Tonight we will be interviewing Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore and chatting a bit more about Shore Leave 32. We reveal the winner of our Star Wars Trivia contest. We have some listener feedback, some news on Dr. Who and Johnny Depp, Stargate Universe goes dark. Miles brings you This Week in Star Trek with Summer Glau and Star Trek 12 News and Wayne and Dan from the Fringecasting with Wayne and Dan Podcast give you their top five Worst Ways to Die in Season Two of Fringe in the SciFi Five in Five.
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Ep._67__What_Do_You_Get_When_You_Cross_Dayton_Ward_Kevin_Dilmore__a_Con_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST