Sat, 14 July 2012
![]() SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 142Our Interview with Tara Platt and Yuri Lowenthal(Creators of Shelf Life and Con Artists)The SciFi Diner Podcast
Please call the listener line at 1.888.508.4343, Email us at or visit us on Twitter @scifidiner. And check out our YouTube channel. Tonight’s Diners: Scott & Miles Welcome to the Diner. If you have listened to the show for sometime, we would love to have you leave feedback on iTunes. We know not all of you use iTunes, but for those that do, it helps us become more visible. If you don’t use iTunes, your feedback is still valuable. Visit our webpage at and leave a comment on the show notes or email us at We want to know what you are thinking about what we are saying and what shows you are watching. Menu:
Trivia:Question: In the episode of Falling Skies "The Armory": Having captured Tom and the others during the raid on the armory, John Pope gives Tom this nickname. What is it? Prize: A signed Kate Vernon Print You will have until August 7 to send us your answers. Please include the code word mentioned in the first 15 minutes of the show. Send your answer with your mailing address to, call us at 18885084343, or DM us on Twitter at @scifidiner. Make sure you include your e-mail with all entries! Only one entry per person. The SciFi Diner is not responsible for any injuries occurring if you secretly decide to go all shiny and dress in a browncoat and walk into your local bar. PromosOur Interview:SHELF LIFE (web-series) is an irreverent single-camera live action comedy web-series about 4 action figures on a young boy's shelf. Based on an idea by Tara Platt, Season One directed by Paul Jenkins, written by Yuri Lowenthal and Paul Jenkins and produced by Monkey Kingdom Productions and Ultimatum Entertainment; Season Two directed by Steven Calcote, written by Yuri Lowenthal. Featuring Travis Willingham as Hero Man, Tara Platt as Hero Lass, Yuri Lowenthal as Bug Boy and Bryan Enk as Samurai Snake. Anyone who is a fan of comics, action figures, comedy and irreverent humor is in for a treat! TV News:Tom Baker will return for Doctor Who's 50th anniversary after all Dust off your long, winding scarves, dear fellow Whovians, and stock up on those jelly babies, because it looks like Tom Baker is definitely returning for Doctor Who's big whopping 50th-anniversary bash next year. 10 Emmy-worthy sci-fi performances we're hoping earn a nomination We're still a few weeks away from seeing who got nominated for an Emmy, and until the official announcement, we plan on living in hope that some of these stellar sci-fi performances of the past year manage to make the cut. So here are 10 sci-fi actors and actresses that definitely deserve to be included come July 19. Jason Isaacs, NBC's Awake Jon Bernthal, AMC's The Walking Dead Peter Dinklage, HBO's Game of Thrones Benedict Cumberbatch, PBS (BBC)'s Sherlock John Noble, Fox's Fringe Jessica Lange, FX's American Horror Story Anna Torv, Fox's Fringe Lena Headey, HBO's Game of Thrones Karen Gillan, BBC America's Doctor Who Anna Paquin, HBO's True Blood So who would get YOUR vote? Movie News:"Amazing Spider-Man" Swings To Top Spot The Amazing Spider-Man got off to a sizzling start and then continued to do solid business, sending the reboot of the superhero franchise to the top spot at the box-office. In its opening weekend, the movie took in $65 million and since it’s opening last Tuesday has taken in $140 million.
Omnicorp's products revealed in 1st viral peek at RoboCop reboot We're still more than a year away from the release of director Jose Padilha's RoboCop, but with the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con right around the corner the filmmakers have rolled out our first official glimpses of the reboot. The mega-company Omnicorp has a website, and they're promising all kinds of robotic goodies. The fictional company's official web presence went live this weekend to tease us with the various powers and creations of the corporation that gives birth to RoboCop himself. The site is still only one page, but there's a lot to look at. Roland Emmerich Eyes Another Independence Day and More Stargate It's been some time since his Stargate and Independence Day hit theaters in the 1990s, but director Roland Emmerich today tells The Hollywood Reporter that both sci-fi properties could be headed back to the big screen. Podiobook Review:Based on the Star Wars universe created by George Lucas Written by Dany Pépin Produced & Directed by Dany Pépin Music by John William Sound design by Ben Burtt Born and raised in a military family, Emma Wermis will slowly discover that the Empire is not what she always been taught it was. Her allegiance to the Empire will be tested and she will, during her adventures, uncover something about her family and a secret weapon kept hidden even within the Empire. This week in Star Trek:Star Trek' Star Karl Urban Reveals Possible Sequel Villain In a recent interview to promote his current project Dredd, Karl Urban may have inadvertently revealed the actual name of the character who’s squaring off against the crew of the Enterprise: Gary Mitchell. In an interview with SFX, Urban relayed his feelings about working alongside Sherlock Holmes actor Benedict Cumberbatch, revealing his long-concealed identity. “He’s awesome,” Urban said. “He’s a great addition, and I think his Gary Mitchell is going to be exemplary.” What’s particularly noteworthy about the revelation – other than the fact that his name isn’t Khan – is that Mitchell was effectively the first villain in Star Trek history. Although the episode in which he appears, “Where No Man Has Gone Before,” was broadcast third on television, it was created as a second pilot for the series after NBC rejected its predecessor, “The Cage.” In the episode, Mitchell, played by 2001 star Gary Lockwood, is a longtime friend of Captain Kirk’s who develops superhuman abilities including telepathy and telekinesis after the ship encounters a mysterious barrier. Kirk is eventually forced to kill Mitchell after attempting to banish him on the planet of Delta Vega. If screenwriters Alex Kurtzman, Damon Lindelof and Roberto Orci adhere at all to the narrative of the episode, Mitchell will be a formidable enemy for Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise. In a recent interview with THR, Kurtzman revealed that in the sequel, “Kirk doesn’t understand what it means to be captain,” suggesting that the fledgling commander has yet to experience the unenviable responsibility of sending crew members to their deaths. Mitchell’s storyline could make for some particularly interesting dramatic possibilities if Kirk is not only forced to see his crew killed, but be responsible for the death one of his oldest friends from Starfleet Academy. Screenwriter Roberto Orci lists five characters who will not be in Star Trek 2 In a recent radio chat, STAR TREK 2 screenwriter Roberto Orci was asked about characters who will or will not be in the upcoming sequel. With all of the discussion back and forth regarding whether Benedict Cumberbatch would be playing Khan, Orci decided to name five characters, some villains and some not, who will 100% not be in the sequel. Those characters are Gary Mitchell, Charlie X, Ruk, Janice Rand, and The Borg. It seemed pretty apparent The Borg would not be in the movie, but assuming that Orci is being honest, this begins to lend merit back to the Khan theories. I started to get my hopes up that it would be Gary Mitchell after all, but I am one of the few that would like to see a rebooted Khan enter the fray. My problem with a lot of franchises these days is that they kill off villains after one appearance instead of prolonging them through multiple films to build that animosity between good and bad guys. Orci also mentioned the movie title has a "75% chance" of using the words STAR TREK but no confirmation on the final name of the film. I would be willing to bet the movie has a subtitle but no number. That seems to be popular these days. CBS and Orci have discussed a possible STAR TREK animated series, but no word on what generation would be the focus of the story. With both THE CLONE WARS and TRON: UPRISING successfully translating storied franchises into the world of cartoons, a new STAR TREK cartoon may not be so farfetched. The Sci Fi 5 in 5:Chris & Charity’s top 5 things they liked at recent Cons.
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Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST