Welcome to the SciFi Diner where we serve up spicy conversations off the latest menu of SciFi Movies & Television Shows. For almost ten For almost fourteen years Scott Hertzog and Mile Mclaughlin began podcasting their love of all things sci-fi on the Sci-Fi Diner Podcast, informing their listeners on the latest sci-fi news and keeping the conversation going with them as they continue to celebrate this thing we call Science Fiction. Now they are joined by Dave, Chrissie, and M.

The SciFi Diner Podcast

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email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com

or visit us on Twitter @scifidiner.

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Tonight’s Diners: Scott & Miles

Welcome to the Diner.

If you have listened to the show for sometime, we would love to have you leave feedback on itunes.  We know not all of you use iTunes, but for those that do, it helps us become more visible. If you don’t use iTunes, your feedback is still valuable.  Visit our webpage at http://scifidinerpodcast.com and leave a comment on the show notes or email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com We want to know what you are thinking about what we are saying and what shows you are watching!


Everyone can leave feedback – let us know what you think about our discussions and what shows you are watching! 18885084343

On the menu tonight:

On this science fiction podcast, we interview Sam Witwer, Starkiller from the Force Unleashed, Crashdown from BSG, and Doomsday from Smallville.    Also on the menu tonight we have two listener e-mails to share, trivia with a very special prize, what TV shows are coming back, might come back, and have been axed, a New Flash Gordon Movie in the works, DVD news on 2012, Where the Wild Things Are, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and find out whether Kirk and Spock would have survived warp speed.  I also give my top 5 SciFi’s Sexiest women in our SciFi Five in Five.

Show News:

Trivia: IS BACK

Prize: A signed print of Sam Witwer as Starkiller from the Force Unleashed.

Question: Who was in charge of bringing down the deflector shield of the second Death Star?

You will have two weeks to answer this question (until March 10th).  Send your answer with your mailing address to scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com, call us at 18885084343, or DM us on Twitter at @scifidiner.

Podcast Promos:

The Seeker Cast

Toothless Audiobook Podcast

The Main Course:

TV News

Which of your favorite shows could live, which could die


The Big Bang Theory (CBS) Renewed for a fourth season. – Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore will love this.

Eureka (Syfy) Renewed for a fourth season.

Stargate Universe (Syfy) Renewed for a second season.

Sanctuary (Syfy) Renewed for a third season.  Give me some more Heyerdahl!

Supernatural (The CW) Renewed for a sixth season.

True Blood (HBO) Renewed for a third season premiering in June.

The Vampire Diaries (The CW) Renewed for a second season.

Warehouse 13 (Syfy) Renewed for a second season.  Oh yeah we’re waiting baby…

Updated:: Dollhouse (Fox) Canceled Eastwick (ABC) Canceled Lost (ABC) Series finale airs May 23.


Chuck (NBC) For once, Chuck is in the Likely-to-Return category. The coolest superhero nerd show ever is actually the top-rated Monday night drama for NBC, and considering the shambles that NBC's schedule has become since The Jay Leno Show was removed, the network needs good reliable performers like Chuck.

Latest ratings: 6.61 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 80 percent

FlashForward (ABC) Remember all those ratings everyone was all worried about when the series begin last fall? Well, forget about them. They don't matter one bit considering the long, long break for new episodes to return. The good news is that the series has 13 episodes to prove itself. The bad news is that there's been some trouble behind the scenes with rotating show runners. FlashForward is starting from scratch in more ways than one.

TVbytheNumbers.com's Bill Gorman reported: "If FlashForward keeps falling when it returns, it has no future. We'll now have to wait until mid-March to see its next ratings."

Latest ratings: 7.29 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 50-50

Fringe (Fox) Despite low ratings, Fringe has managed more or less to hold its own in the most difficult timeslot on television, Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. This has been especially noticeable since Past Life has taken over the timeslot to the tune of 2 million fewer viewers while Fringe takes a break. All things considered—the rabid fan base, the terrible timeslot, the excellent showing in DVR ratings—and it adds up to a solid performance.

Latest ratings: 7.76 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 70 percent

Heroes (NBC) Believe it or not, despite terrible ratings, Heroes has a chance at fifth season. The ratings have stabilized, and the series gains another million-plus viewers when DVR ratings are counted in. NBC is trying to rebuild its schedule thanks to The Jay Leno Show debacle, and Heroes at least brings in a loyal audience, it does well overseas and it's a high-profile, original series. That said, a very strong case could be made for the show's cancellation as well.

James Hibberd's Live Feed commented: "This season, Heroes continued its decline and is now at a level—around a 2.0 adults 18-49 rating—that would warrant cancellation under most circumstances. The deciding factor here is NBC's internal balance sheet for the production. Don't be surprised if NBC announces a 12-hour 'final chapter' for next fall."

Latest ratings: 4.41 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 40 percent

Human Target (Fox) This new midseason replacement is finally leveling off to some decent ratings. While it's certainly getting a bump from American Idol, the last couple of episodes have been very entertaining, and the series seems to be finding its feet. And considering the series will most likely do well in reruns, given its episodic nature, we're liking its chances for a second season so far.

Latest pre-Olympic ratings: 8.92 million viewers

Latest ratings opposite the Olympics: 7.14 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 45 percent

Smallville (The CW) When The CW moved Smallville from Thursdays to Fridays, it looked like it could be the end of this reliable performer. Certainly Smallville didn't quite seem to fit with the younger-skewing shows the network was banking on, such as The Vampire Diaries. Then something strange and wonderful happened: Apparently the fans weren't ready to let Smallville die. The producers are still doing fine creative work, and the series has finally given The CW some ratings on Friday nights. While SmallvilleVampire Diaries or Supernatural, it's looking very good for a 10th season, with Super Clark and his friends. And BTW, don't be surprised if it does get another season and we see one or two additional Smallville movies along the lines of Absolute Justice. didn't get an early pickup like

Latest ratings: 2.48 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 90 percent

V (ABC) Those beautiful alien invaders are in the same boat as the FlashFowarders. The series returns on March 30, and it's airing after Lost in the 10 p.m. timeslot, which is a good thing. With Lost in its final season, V's likely to grab a few viewers, which should help its bottom line. But V is pretty much starting over, and it will only have eight episodes to get you caught up in the revolution.

Latest ratings: 9.20 million viewers

Chances of renewal: 60 percent

Movie News:

No Current Movies Cause Movies Suck right now.

New Flash Gordon movie: No Queen, no camp, but 3-D!

Director Breck Eisner promises that his upcoming new Flash Gordon movie won't be a remake of the campy 1980 version or even the Buster Crabbe serials from the 1930s—and he promises it will be in 3-D.

"It's a movie that is in no way a remake or a re-imagining or a reboot of the '80s version or the serial version," Eisner told SCI FI Wire. "No Queen [music]. It is not camp in any way. We're going back to the original Alex Raymond [comic strip] scripts and imagining if he were living today, what would those strips be like?"

Eisner is moving forward on his new movie version of the classic sci-fi story. "Flash Gordon is a movie I've been pursuing for years, and I finally was able to orchestrate it going to Sony from Hearst," Eisner said while promoting his new sci-fi horror movie, The Crazies.

Gordon will also enter the third dimension this time out: "It will definitely be in 3-D, unless they come out with 4-D before then," Eisner says with a laugh. The director adds that he is even testing a new binaural German 3-D sound system that could be employed for the film. "It's supposed to push 3-D to the next level," he says.

Cost is the primary obstacle the space hero will have to overcome. "It's a very expensive movie," admits Eisner. "Do they have and do they want to spend the kind of money it's going to take to pull this thing off?"

For now, Eisner is simply intent on developing the best filmic version of Flash Gordon possible. "It's one that I will be passionate enough about forever and will hope to be able to make," says Eisner. "It's action, it's adventure, it's intense, it's dynamic. It's a strong central character who goes on a dynamic journey. It should be a really amazing movie if we can get it made."

Will you blast off with Eisner's Flash?

DVD News

2012 ~ John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, and Woody Harrelson (DVD - 2010) $15.99

Now this is how you destroy the world. Roland Emmerich's 2012 pounces on a Nostradamus-style loophole in the Mayan calendar and rams the apocalypse through it, gleefully conjuring up an enormous amount of Saturday-matinee fun in the process. A scientist (Chiwetel Ejiofor) detects shifting continental plates and sun flares and realizes that this foretells the imminent destruction of the planet. Just as the molten lava is about to hit the fan, a novelist (John Cusack) takes his kids on a trip to Yellowstone; later he'll hook up with his ex (Amanda Peet) and her new boyfriend (Tom McCarthy) in a global journey toward safety. If there is any safety. The suitably hair-raising plot lines are punctuated--frequently, people, frequently--by visions of mayhem around the globe: the Vatican falls over, the White House is clobbered (Emmerich's Independence Day was not enough on that score), and the California coastline dives into the Pacific Ocean. Unlike other action directors we could name, Emmerich actually understands how to let you see and drink in these vast special-effects vistas--and they are incredible. He also honors the old Irwin Allen disaster-movie tradition by actually shelling out for good actors. Cusack and Ejiofor are convincing even in the cheesiest material; toss in Danny Glover (the U.S. president), Woody Harrelson (a nut-bar conspiracy-theorizing radio host), Thandie Newton, and Oliver Platt, and you've got a very watchable batch of people.

Where the Wild Things Are ~ Forest Whitaker, et al. (DVD - 2010) $17.99

Through his handcrafted ode to the trials of childhood, Spike Jonze puts his own unique imprint on Maurice Sendak's enduring classic. In the prologue, 9-year-old Max (Max Records) stomps around the house, feeling neglected. When his mom (Catherine Keener) sends him to bed without supper, Max runs away (something he doesn't do in the book). He finds a boat and sails to a distant land where fuzzy monsters are raising a rumpus in the forest. Since his wolf suit allows him to fit right in, he joins the fray, catching the eye of Carol (James Gandolfini, excellent), who notes, approvingly, "I like the way you destroy stuff. There's a spark to your work that can't be taught." With that, they pronounce the diminutive creature king, hoping he can bring cohesion to their fractured family. After Max comes across Carol's scale-model town, he decides they should build a real one, but the project stalls as Alexander (Paul Dano) and Douglas (Chris Cooper) mope, Judith (Catherine O'Hara) browbeats Ira (Forest Whitaker), and Carol pines for K.W. (Lauren Ambrose), who prefers the company of owls Bob and Terry. Max realizes he has to make a choice: stay with the wild things or return home, where he has to keep his aggressive impulses in check. For readers of Sendak's slim tome, his decision won't come as a surprise, but Jonze ends the story on a lovely grace note. Until that time, the squabbling is a bit much--these monsters never stop talking--but Jonze, cowriter Dave Eggers, the Jim Henson Company, and singer/songwriter Karen O. have gone all-out to re-create the inner world of a child with as much empathy as was mustered for the inner adult world of Jonze's Being John Malkovich. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians ~ John Call, Pia Zadora, and Leonard Hicks (DVD - 2010) $9.98

Martian children have become unhappy watching Earth television programs showing Christmas cheer among humans. The wise old Martian Chochem tells the adults that Mars needs Santa Claus to bring fun and joy to their children. A group of Martians arrives at the North Pole and kidnaps Santa, but the angry Martian Voldar wants to get rid of him instead. With the help of two Earth children and the clumsy Martian Dropo, Santa defeats Voldar and brings happiness to Mars!

Misc News

Scientists say warp speed would have killed Kirk and Spock

So you remember how Zefram Cochrane became the first human to travel at warp speed after transforming a Titan missile into Earth's first warp-capable ship in 2063, attracting the attention of the Vulcans and ushering in a new era of peace and harmony that led to the development of the United Federation of Planets and humanity's trek through the stars?

Well, the reality is that he would have fried instantly, and any other Starfleet travelers such as Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise would have perished had they really attempted to travel at faster-than-light speeds.

That's the conclusion of a new research reported in New Scientist:

Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew would die within a second of the USS Enterprise approaching the speed of light.

The problem lies with Einstein's special theory of relativity. It transforms the thin wisp of hydrogen gas that permeates interstellar space into an intense radiation beam that would kill humans within seconds and destroy the spacecraft's electronic instruments.

Frak me! But there's more:

According to William Edelstein of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland, that sparse interstellar gas should worry the crew of a spaceship traveling close to the speed of light even more than the Borg decloaking off the starboard bow.

Special relativity describes how space and time are distorted for observers traveling at different speeds. For the crew of a spacecraft ramping up to light speed, interstellar space would appear highly compressed, thereby increasing the number of hydrogen atoms hitting the craft.

At faster-than-light speed, the effect would be like standing directly in the beam of the Large Hadron Collider. The fatal dose of radiation for a human is 6 sieverts, but Edelstein's calculations show that the crew would receive a radiation dose of more than 10,000 sieverts within a second.

Edelstein presented his results on Saturday at the American Physical Society meeting in Washington, D.C.

Our guess is he traveled there at less than warp one.


We had a phenomenal time interviewing Sam Witwer at the Farpoint Con in Maryland.  Not only has he been in Battlestar Galactica, Smallville, and Star Wars, but he is a fan himself and a video game fanatic.

Scifi 5 in 5

The Sexiest Women in SciFi TV – according to Scott and what he is watching

  1. Tricia Helfer - BSG
  2. Alessandra Torresani – Zoe Graystone - Caprica
  3. Laura Vandervoort as Lisa – from V
  4. Summer Glau – Dollhouse, Terminator: Salvation, Firefly, 4400
  5. Morena Baccarin as Anna — the manipulative High Commander of the Visitors and mother of Lisa.
  6. Allison Mack – Smallville Chloe Sullivan




The SciFi Diner Podcast

Please call the listener line at 1.888.508.4343 and let us know what you are watching,

email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com

or visit us on Twitter @scifidiner.

Also please check out and join our Facebook Fan Page

Tonight’s Diners: Scott & Miles.

Welcome to the Diner.


If you have listened to the show for sometime, we would love to have you leave feedback on itunes.  We know not all of you use iTunes, but for those that do, it helps us become more visible. If you don’t use iTunes, your feedback is still valuable.  Visit our webpage at http://scifidinerpodcast.com and leave a comment on the show notes or email us at scifidinerpodcast@gmail.com We want to know what you are thinking about what we are saying and what shows you are watching!

On the menu tonight:

On this science fiction podcast, we have with us Shane Felux,  the director and producer of the Trenches webisodes.  We also hear from Dayton Ward. We are going talk about the Farpoint Con in Baltimore Maryland, Farscape, the International Space Station is now a Tie Fighter, Heroes Finale, Smallville Justice Society Episode, Planet Hulk DVD.

Show News:

Promos in the Show:

Balticon Podcast

The Signal Season Six Podcast

Our Interview:

WATCH TRENCHES NOW AT CRACKLE.COM Produced and directed by Shane Felux, creator of the internet phenomenon "Star Wars: Revelations" and the award-winning short "Pitching Lucas" (as chosen by George Lucas and audiences around the world), this latest film adventure takes you to a war-torn planet and the soldiers who fight for its control. But when the smoke of battle clears, these enemies find themselves facing a danger beyond their worst imaginings.


TV News

DVD News

Planet Hulk DVD. If you liked the animated series, you will want to check out this latest incarnation of the Incredible Hulk.

Misc News

International Space Station's New Window - Looks a lot like a Tie Fighter, doesn't it?

Scifi 5 in 5

Scott and Miles share their top five moments from the Farpoint Con in Baltimore Maryland.

1. Our interview and later conversations with Sam Witwer were awesome.  I mean, who wouldn't love chatting with Crashdown from Battlestar Galactica and Starkiller from the Force Unleashed?

2. Ello Poppet! We had an awesome time talking about Hollywood and movies with Pirates of the Caribbean actor Lee Arenberg.

3. Who wouldn't love spending time talking to and interviewing Felicia Day?

4. Our time with the Starship Farragut

5. The Location was nice and the Con Staff were phenomenal




SciFi Rewind Episode 10 - Stargate (The Movie): Give My Regards to King Tut...

Direct download: sfr10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 9 – Matrix Revolutions: Everything That Ends Has A Beginning

Direct download: sr9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 7 – The Matrix Reloaded: We Are All Victims Of Causality

Direct download: sr7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 6 - The Matrix - Free Your Mind

Direct download: SciFi_Rewind_Episode_6_-_The_Matrix_-_Free_Your_Mind.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 5  -  The Matrix Has You!

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 4 - Dark Angel and Charlie Jade Wrap

Direct download: sr4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Rewind Episode 3 - Dark Angel and Charlie Jade

Direct download: SciFi_Rewind_Episode_3_-_Dark_Angel_and_Charlie_Jade.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner and Tuning Into SciFi TV Podcast Viewing Challenge Episode 2: Initial Thoughts 


SciFi Diner and Tuning Into SciFi TV Podcast Viewing Challenge

Direct download: SciFi_Diner_and_Tuning_Into_SciFi_TV_Podcast_Viewing_Challenge.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 30 - We Interview Adrienne Wilkinson from the Force Unleashed and Xena

Direct download: sfdp30.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 29 - Interview with Michael from NeoFX Part 2; District 9, G.I. Joe Reviews and News

Direct download: sfdp29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast  Ep. 28 - Interview with Special Effects Animator Michael from NeoFX; Treminator & Wolverine Sequels!

Direct download: sfdp28.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 27 - Interview with Hayden Black and the Cabonauts (Miracle Laurie, John Barrowman, & More.)

Direct download: sfdp27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast  Ep. 26 - The Truth About Harry Potter The Half-Blood Prince, The Hobbit Release Dates, and more!

Direct download: sfdp26.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The SciFi Diner Podcast Promo

Direct download: The_SciFi_Diner_Podcast_Promo.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 25 - Interview with Dollhouse Active Miracle Laurie (November), We become the SciFi Diner & More!

Direct download: sfdp25.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 24.1 - A Shore Leave Special: An Interview with Ed and His Droid

Direct download: sfdp24.1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 24 - Are You a Potterphile?

Direct download: sfdp24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

SciFi Diner Podcast Ep. 23 - Transformers 2, Virtuality, Caprica Reviews, & News

Direct download: sfdp23.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 22 - Why Robert Picardo, Ethan Phillips, Miracle Laurie, & Vanessa Angel need you!

Direct download: sfdp22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 21 - Our Pre-Shore Leave 31 Interview with Mike Schilling; Torchwood, District 9, and More!

Direct download: sfdp21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 20 - Welcome to the Whedonverse!

Direct download: ep20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 19 - Terminator Salvation & Wolverine Reviews; News on Stargate Universe, BSG, Sanctuary & More

Direct download: ep19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 18 - SciFi Tackles Corporatism; A New Buffy & Tomb Raider Movie, Dollhouse Plus Much, Much More.

Direct download: ep18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 17 -  Our Interview with John Broughton, Captain of the Starship Farragut: Star Trek Fan Films

Direct download: ep17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 16 - The Put Your Brain on a Leash Episode (Also Known as The Attack of the Finales)

Direct download: ep16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 15 - Star Trek is Reviewed, Praised, and Trashed (Well, Not Really) by Scott and Miles

Direct download: ep15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 14 – Heroes Finale, Caprica DVD, Dr. Horrible Sequel, and Star Trek

Direct download: ep14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 13 – Wolverine, Fringe, Star Trek News; Terminator_:Sarah Connor Chronicles

Direct download: ep13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 12 – Star Wars Fan Films; SciFi TV and Movie News; Star Wars Trivia!

Direct download: 12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 11 – The Current State of SciFi; News in the World of SciFi

Direct download: sfdpep11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 10 – The So say we all! Battlestar Finale, Is Lost Really Lost? Trivia!

Direct download: sfdp10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 9 – SyFy? Really? More Star Wars Live Action News; Shore-Leave 31 is Coming.

Direct download: ep9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.


Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 8 - R.I.P. Battlestar Galactica; News on the Star Wars Live Action TV Show and more.



A bunch of us (Mile, Matt, Kris, and Scott) went to see the Watchmen opening night.  This episode chronicles our thoughts and feelings about this movie, seemingly contrary to what other people have to say about it. We also talk about the Star Trek and Terminator: Salvation trailer that aired before hand.   Oh, by the way, because of the subject matter in the Watchmen, this episode is mature and we just want you to be aware of that.  See you next Wednesday!

Direct download: ep7.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST


In this episode, Don, armed with cough medicine and a handkerchief, along with Scott, bring you the latest Sci-fi news.  The conversation includes news on Jonah Hex, Fathom, Nick Fury, Star Trek, Sarah Connor Chronicles, and V.  They also discuss some of their favorite shows like Dollhouse, Heroes, Smallville, and Kyle XY.  Inlcuded in the show are looks at the Watchmen, Harry Potter, and Transformers 2.

Direct download: ep6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST


In this episode Scott along with the Spirit Matt discuss the Watchmen and their pre-movie anticipations and apprehensions.  They also chat about Battlestar Galactica.  In Sci-fi news, they look at Stargate Universe, Futurama, Smallville, the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Eureka, Supernatural and more.

Direct download: Ep5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST


In this show, we focus on the Fringe exclusively.  We are taking a second look at the Fringe and linking the “Pilot” episode to episode 14 “Ability”. We assume that you have watched the show so there is no summary; however, if your think we should do a brief summary, let us know!

Direct download: ep4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:31am EST


In this episode, Don and Scott discuss the future of Stargate: Universe and introduces the concept, the cast, and when the show will air.  They also look at Fringe and wonder where in the heck it is going for five weeks.   Don goes off on a tirade on Star Trek: Next Generation and how it is the best thing since sliced meat was invented.  “Building 26″ and Heroes are discussed and Don is once again dedicated to Heroes (at least for the moment). Don confesses his closet love of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and his hopes for The Dollhouse.

Direct download: Ep3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Episode 2

Direct download: Ep2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49am EST

Scifi Diner Podcast Ep. 1 – Hellboy, StarTrek, Heroes, and the Dollhouse

Direct download: ep1.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST