Wed, 28 November 2012
![]() SciFi Diner Conversations 70Bond, James Bond; On Killing Our Favorite Characters,We're Holden On For The Governor; More.
You Can DownLoad The Episode Here. In this listener feedback show, listener's discuss Skyfall (The latest Bond flick), Walking Dead, Arrow, Fringe, Revolution, the end of Merlin, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, And More. One of our listeners, Kahless, also started his own Science Fiction blog which you can find here. The song at the end of the episode is The Final Rewind by Tyrad
Direct download: SciFi_Diner_Conversations_70_-_Bond_James_Bond_On_Killing_Our_Favorite_Characters_Were_Holden_On_For_The_Governor_More..mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:17pm EST
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